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Atom Optoelectronics | 440 Hindry Avenue, Unit E, Los Angeles CA 90301 | Tel: 310-641-1338, Fax: 310-641-1338 

Fully Printed Single 65-CNTFET Pixel Backplane

Upon Request


NS3 NanoSpectralyzer

5. UV-Vis-NIR Absorption/Fluorescence-Dual Raman Spectroscopy

Fully Printed Single 65-CNTFET Pixel Backplane

Printed Gold Pixel TFTs Insulated by Polyimide

Fully Printed Single 65-CNTFET Pixel Backplane

Printed Gold Grids Insulated by Polyimide

​Printed Gold Pixel TFTs

LCD Display

LCD Display

AMOLED Display


Probe Station

Keithley 4200 SCS

4-Probe Meter

Tint Meter

Spray System

Screen Printer

6. Display Demonstration

​​Printed Conductive Grids Isolated by Polymers

Printed Thin-Film Transistors (TFTs) on Corning® Willow® Glass

Fully Printed SWCNT TFTs

Printed 3-D SWCNT TFTs and Integrated Circuits

3. Spray Coating and Screen Coating

4. Device Characterization

Optomec 3-D Aerosol Jet Printer

Separated (6,5) Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

2. 3-D Aerosol Jet Printing

Microwave Reactor

Flash Chromatography


Ultrasonic Homogenizer

1. Nanomaterials Preparation